Mrs. Veronica Strange B.Sc Podiatry
Senior Podiatrist
Veronica is an experienced and knowledgeable Podiatrist . She has worked in practices in Perth and Interstate. Veronica works in all aspects of podiatry, and has lot’s of experience in sports injuries and orthotic treatments. Veronica lives locally with her family. She also conducts home visit treatments in Mundaring
Ms. Zee Y Lee B.Pod Med M.APodA. WA
Zee’s interests are in general podiatry and high risk foot care. She has previously worked in community based podiatry clinics. She also conducts home visit treatments in Mundaring and surrounds. Zee is fluent in Mandarin and Malay.
Mrs. Sarah Elder Cert IV Allied Health Assistance
Podiatry Assistant
Sarah is one of the first Podiatry Assistants in WA. She completed her Certificate IV Allied Health Assistance training in 2012. Prior to that Sarah work as casual receptionist for the Podicare clinic. Sarah works along the podiatrists providing basic foot care,and assistance in the more involved treatments